The Bedroom Demos

ACX069 | Tuesday June 7th, 2011

"THE BEDROOM DEMOS" are the heart and soul of STARS' revered 2007 record 'In Our Bedroom After The War'... the real and honest bones of the album, before it was an album.

Fresh from touring the world with their breakout record 'Set Yourself On Fire', STARS hit their Montreal studio with Jace Lasek from The Besnard Lakes at the controls, and tracked a slew of new songs, live off the floor. Rough, unpolished and unfinished, these versions nevertheless give a secret glance into the world of their stellar songwriting, from a helter skelter 'Take Me To The Riot' to the definitive, single microphone recording of 'Barricade'. If you have loved a STARS song, you deserve to love 'The Bedroom Demos'.


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